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Finger on a Map

Scale Destinations
Finding the Map Makers

They must not be where we’ve already looked 

Academia, Ministries, Multi-laterals…

Definition of Insanity: Doing the same things over and over, expecting different results (Per Dr. Einstein) 

Getting Visibility - Do something different

Getting At-Scale Visibility

Something Different

Stop looking in the same places!

We are overinvested – Same conferences, speakers, sources

Massively Overinvested in Organizations, the world Over

To get Visibility & Scale - Do something different

Digital Network

Underinvested, Where?


Massive Underinvestment in Networks

Widely known Social Media Nets – Less than a dozen worldwide


Each country has multiple thousands of widely known organizations

1,000s of organizations: Business, Non-Profit, Education & Government with minimal investment in networks

Equals Massive Underinvestment in Networks

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